Vine announced the addition of a new “Watch” button that appears on Vine channels and let you watch a channel’s vines back to back. This way, users can watch a channel more like it’s a show made up of vines or as the company says, “kick back and see the story of a channel.”
“People love to go through a channel or watch an account from start to finish,” Vine says in an announcement. “You can now do that with just the tap of a button, without having to manually scroll through individual posts. Check out Johnny McHone and Alona Forsythe for a couple examples.”
“When you’re on a user’s channel, you can tap ‘Posts’ to choose how you want to view Vines: oldest to newest, newest to oldest, or by what’s popular,” it explains. “We recently introduced these options, and we recommend using them with this new viewing experience. Also, if you want to make a Vine loop as you’re watching, tap and hold it.”
The feature is available in the latest update for iOS and Android.
This is just the latest in a series of features Vine has added in recent months that significantly improve the user experience. Before the new year, they added a personalization channel to help users see more vines they actually care about and/or want to see. In February, they added the aforementioned viewing order options.