The video is only 13 seconds long, and we don’t really know what happened after the camera shuts off, but it appears that two women have survived what might be the world’s dumbest twerking exhibition.
“No face,” says one of the subway twerkers as the camera pans around to the front. Unfortunately for the lead twerker, the cameraman did catch a glimpse of her face – and I’m sure the internet sleuths will figure out her identity before the holiday’s over.
The two look to avoid the third rail and seem to steer clear of any oncoming train – thus narrowly escaping any future nominations for a Darwin Award. I thought twerking was dead after Miley Cyrus’ VMA performance – and I definitely thought it had run its course after 11-year-olds were doing the move at school dances. Nope, I guess we had to have subway twerking to finally kill it.
Miley would be so proud. I know their parents sure are.