Newt Gingrich won over South Carolina’s conservative voters this past weekend. Mitt Romney had performed strongly in the past two match-ups – Iowa and New Hampshire – but just couldn’t shake the Newt in the Palmetto State.
Twitter lit up in response:
@russellcrowe Newt Gingrich finally discovers his ideal constituency. ” 900 dead people voted in South Carolina”|
South Carolina voters just found out Newt has been seeing North Carolina voters on the side.
Newt super PAC: “Newt WON South Carolina by more votes than Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum RECEIVED combined in Iow.”
@TheFix: The top 4 search terms for Newt Gingrich in SC? “Callista”, “Marianne”, “Newt scandal”, “Newt wives”.
RTDear South Carolina, assuming Newt wins, *thank you* for giving the finger to the DC-GOP set who’ve tried to force Romney on us.
40% of married women voters in South Carolina went for Newt. The other 60% are his exes.
Congratulations to all Democrats for Newt’s victory in South Carolina.
Newt Gingrich has always thought that voters are stupid. The voters of South Carolina proved him right.
@LOLGOP: South Carolina voters respect how Newt Gingrich defines marriage as between a man and a woman who does not have cancer.
RT@BuzzFeedBen: inbox “The National Organization for Marriage Congratulates Newt Gingrich on South Carolina Win”
You can’t make this stuff up.Of course Newt won South Carolina! It’s an “open primary state,” if you know what I mean.