Three more languages have graduated from Twitter’a translation center. Now, Twitter is available in Basque, Czech, and Greek.
From the Twitter translation center blog:
Last May, we opened our Translation Center to 6 new languages using a new set of features we’ve created to make the translation process faster. There is more automation and more efficiency in this new system that allows for faster input from the translator community.
We’d like to thank you, our dedicated translators, who made this launch happen by requesting and supporting Twitter in your language. You are the ones who help us get closer to making Twitter available around the world.
Back in May, Twitter added Basque, Czech, Greek, Ukrainian, Catalan, and Afrikaans to the Translation center, where volunteers immediately got to work translating the site (site frame, not the tweets). The first two of those languages to launch from the Center were Ukrainian and Catalan, which became available in early July. Not, with the launch of these three new languages, all we are waiting on in Afrikaans from that class.
Twitter is now available in 3 new Beta languages: Basque, Czech and Greek. Congratulations translators!
Before this, Twitter became available in right-to-left languages Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, and Urdu.
The addition of Greek, Czech, and Basque means that Twitter is officially available in 33 different languages.
[Image via Harald Groven, Flickr]