Comic Con just kicked off in the Gas Light District of San Diego, as people have been camped out waiting to get into see the Twilight Panel. WebProNews happened to be in the neighborhood and thought we’d snap a few pictures.
Below you can see some of the campers.
In this video, anxious fans talk about how they have been camping out since Monday. One says she tried to start Sunday but they wouldn’t let her. One guy says he just wants to “smell Jacob.” (Presumably actor Taylor Lautner).
Cast and Crew of the upcoming entry to the Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1 appeared for a press conference where they discussed their experience so far at Comic Con, whether or not Breaking Dawn will end the franchise (they don’t know), and various experiences about working on the set and character commentary. Cinema Blend has a live blogged account of the panel.
It will be interesting to see if the next installment of Twilight can give the last record-breaking Harry Potter film a run for its money.
Fans who were first to the convention center hall where the panel was held were treated to breakfast.
No word yet on if that guy got to smell Jacob. The event just kicked off though. It’s still early.