A group of people must have pretty high hopes for Twitter, because they think that it’s going to be around for at least 86 more years. Their initiative won’t be completed until roughly the year 2097.
The folks behind #TweetTheBible plan to tweet a single verse from The Bible once a day – until they run out of verses. And they’re doing it consecutively, starting from the beginning. On November 11th, they tweeted out Genesis 1:1 to their followers:
According to their site, the inspiration for the Twitter account came out of discussions about the early church, and how social media could have changed it.
#TweetTheBible, launched on 11/11/11 at 11:11PM, was born while founder Anthony J. Thompson and a group of friends were casually discussing what the early church may have done had they had Twitter and other technological advances we enjoy today.
Of course, many biblical verses are longer than the 140 character limit that Twitter imposes – so each tweet links to a page on their site where followers can see the entire verse, accompanied by a clip of the verse being read.
Like I mentioned above, their goal will take around 86 years to accomplish due to the fact that there are over 31,000 individual verses in the English Standard Bible, #TweetTheBible’s text of choice. The success of their task obviously hinges on two things – a.) Twitter survives that long and b.) Harold Camping and the Mayans aren’t correct about the whole end of the world thing.
While the account is mostly about the business of tweeting Bible verses, it’s certainly not bereft of a little social commentary –
Today’s verse continues with the Christian idea of creation –
Keeping with the “what if they had Twitter back then” thoughts, the initiative has its own video. There you can see Jesus gain and lose followers, as well as watch disciples discuss ministry and whatnot –
By my calculations, the tweets will be approaching the whole Noah’s Ark / God flooding the world part of the Bible right as the Pacific hurricane season is approaching. Hope they don’t accidentally terrify anyone.