Even if you don’t like Star Wars, you have to admit that lightsabers are awesome. The expanded universe sought to explain lightsabers as pseudo-magic crystals that emit light beams, but it really is just a powerful laser.
That powerful laser has now been made by YouTube user styropyro. It’s a 3000mW laser that can burn through a number of flammable objects. Check it out:
Here’s how he built it:
This laser uses the new 9mm 450nm laser diode and runs on two 18650 Li Ion batteries. The housing is a custom machined “Sirius” host. I usually try to refrain from using the term “lightsaber” when referring to my lasers but there really isn’t much else out there to describe this laser.
To be honest I don’t even like handheld lasers this strong, but I knew my subscribers would like this! This laser is legal to own in the US, and I wore goggles while shooting this video.
He reiterates that the laser in the video is completely legal in the U.S.
[Image: Laser Pointer Forums] [h/t: The Next Web]