Television is, for most of us, an escape. It provides a magical world to look into where cars explode just because you shoot at them, life has a soundtrack, and women are always gorgeously made up even when they’re in the shower/being held prisoner/first wake up.
Unfortunately, real life doesn’t work that way. Oh, that it could. And it’s difficult, sometimes, for viewers to grasp that women look dramatically different without a pound of pancake makeup on, which is necessary under the bright studio lights of a television show but doesn’t make much sense at the grocery store. That’s why we’re always inundated with those glaring tabloid headlines which scream, “So-and-So caught out with no makeup! Shocking pictures inside!” and the invariable pictorial of a bunch of celebrities getting Starbucks looking like the rest of us haggard masses.
So when the ladies of “The Talk” announced that they would be doing a show with absolutely no makeup on for the unforgiving cameras, viewers greedily tuned in to see what would happen. Shockingly, what happened was that they were just normal women.
“There’s not many single one person that would go on TV in front of millions of people with no makeup, so to be in a group of people that are willing to do that together is really cool. It shows that we’re willing to show parts of our lives that not everybody is willing to show. We really are girlfriends and because we feel safe with each other, we’re willing to show more of ourselves to the public,” Sara Gilbert said.
Image credits: OhNoTheyDidn’
Julie Chen
Sharon Osbourne
Sheryl Underwood
Sara Gilbert
Aisha Tyler