May is going to be a busy month for geeks everywhere. First, the news of Diablo III’s launch date hits (May 15) and now there’s a “new” trailer for The Avengers movie out; this one, however, is aimed at Japanese audiences. While a good portion of the Japanese trailer features footage we’ve already seen before, there are some new scenes, which only help to increase the anticipation level.
And then there’s the narrator’s method of saying “The Avengers,” which alone makes the “new” trailer worth watching. I only wish I was that smooth and calm when delivering such an important title.
As Harry Knowles of fame points out, perhaps the highlight of the Japanese trailer is the appearance of the S.H.E.I.L.D helicarrier. Watching it rise out of the ocean is exciting enough to prompt a search for early ticket sales. Unfortunately, these pre-purchases aren’t available yet. Who knows? Maybe the mega-success of The Hunger Games pre-sale will inspire Marvel to do the same.
Naturally, Twitter has some reactions to the new trailer because, well, it’s The Avengers:
Kinda wish Whedon hadn’t directed Avengers. Is getting in the way of unbridled anticipation, b/c I often don’t like his story/char choices.
The more I watch different Avengers trailers the more excited I get. Looks amazing. Now with helicarrier!?