Telegram Makes Major Moderation Change Following CEO’s Arrest

Telegram is making major changes to how it moderates content following CEO Pavel Durov's arrest and prosecution in France, a move that could have significant repercussions....
Telegram Makes Major Moderation Change Following CEO’s Arrest
Written by Matt Milano
  • Telegram is making major changes to how it moderates content following CEO Pavel Durov’s arrest and prosecution in France, a move that could have significant repercussions.

    Contrary to popular opinion, and Telegram’s own marketing, the platform does not offer the same out-of-the-box security as Signal, WhatsApp, or iMessage. While Telegram does offer end-to-end encryption (E2EE), it is not enabled in chats by default, and opt-in instead.

    As a result, Telegram is in a unique position among encrypted platforms, since the company can access any chats and messages for which users have not specifically enabled E2EE. This is one of the biggest issues propping up France’s claims, with French authorities accusing Telegram and Durov of not doing enough to moderate illegal content on the platform. Because E2EE is not enabled by default, as it is on virtually all of Telegram’s competitors, the company cannot say it is unable to moderate content.

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    Telegram appears to be making a change to its official stand, updating its FAQ to tell inform individuals how they can report illegal content.

    Q: There’s illegal content on Telegram. How do I take it down?

    All Telegram apps have ‘Report’ buttons that let you flag illegal content for our moderators — in just a few taps. On Telegram Desktop, Web or Telegram for macOS, right-click the message and select Report. Then choose an appropriate reason.

    You can also use our automated takedown email address [email protected]. If you’re sending an email takedown request, please make sure to include links (like… or @…) to the content on Telegram which you think needs attention from our moderators.

    Users from the EU are welcome to study the User Guidance for the EU Digital Services Act for the relevant reporting options.

    This is a noticeable change from the company’s previous FAQ (via Internet Archive), in which it simply stated:

    All Telegram chats and group chats are private amongst their participants. We do not process any requests related to them.

    See Also: Emmanuel Macron Says Government Not Involved In Arrest Of Telegram CEO

    France’s actions against Telegram have clearly resulted in a major change in how the company operates. Such action is likely being taken to protect the company against further prosecution from other countries. Telegram may hope that addressing its moderation issues could help in negotiations with French authorities, with the charges against Durov possibly being dropped if the underlying issue is addressed.

    On the other hand, by changing its terms, Telegram has signaled that it is—and always was—capable of moderating much of the content on its platform. If French authorities are unwilling to work out a deal, and opt to make an example of Durov, Telegram has just undermined any possible defense revolving around the argument moderation was not technically possible.

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