In the latest indication that Telegram is not as secure as it claims, the app is still exposing users’ IP addresses.
Telegram consistently touts itself as a private and secure messaging option, but the app has been plagued with issues over the years. The latest issue is one that has been around for some time, namely that the app leaks the IP addresses of its users.
According to TechCrunch, Telegram has leaked IP addresses for years, but security researcher Denis Simonov recently showed just how easy it is to exploit the issue. All that is required is to add a user to your contacts and then have that user call you. Once the call is accepted, your IP address is exposed.
“Telegram focuses on security and privacy, however, in order to stay safe you need to be aware of the nuances of how the messenger’s voice calls work, Simonov said.
“An unprepared person can easily reveal his IP address to his interlocutor if he does not know about them.”
Unfortunately, not only does Telegram know of the issue, but the company has no plans to fix it since it factors into how peer-to-peer calls are made, according to Telegram spokesperson Remi Vaughn.
“The downside of this is that it necessitates that both sides know the IP address of the other (since it is a direct connection). Unlike on other messengers, calls from those who are not your contact list will be routed through Telegram’s servers to obscure that,” Vaughn told TechCrunch.
Anyone who has been using Telegram thinking it offered the best security and privacy would do well to use something else, such as Signal.