Superhero alphabets come and superhero alphabets go. In my opinion, this superhero alphabet is here to stay. If no other reason than it has WWE superstars the Undertaker and Edge in it!
The alphabet was put together by RenĂ© Mambembe fro mNantes, France, and is titled “Helvetica, My Hero.” The use of Helvetica is cool if only because it might be one of the most heavily covered fonts of all time!
This alphabet features both villains and heros form the Marvel and DC universe. What sets it apart is the use of both Street Fighter characters and WWE superstars. My personal favorites are E is for Edge just because I really wasn’t expecting it, and Z for Zangief. Also, how could I leave out W is for Wolverine?
A is for Alien:
B is for Batman:
C is for Captain:
C is for Cyclope
D is for Daredevil
E is for Edge:
F is for Flash:
G is for Green Lantern:
H is for Hellboy:
H is for Hulk:
I is for Ironman:
J is for Joe Higashi:
K is for Kazuya:
L is for Lucky:
M is for Mr. Fantastic:
N is for Nightcrawler:
O is for Oddjob:
O is for Octopus:
P is for Poison Ivy:
Q is for Quinn:
R is for Ryu:
S is for Spiderman:
T is for Terminator:
T is for Thor:
U is for Undertaker:
V is for Venom:
W is for Wolverine:
X is for Xantos:
Y is for Yoda:
Z is for Zangief: