As discussed previously, people are upset that Google is shutting down Slide, and Super Poke Pets in particular. We ran across the following video on YouTube depicting the “passion” some players have truly had about this game.
The video below shows a guy laughing at his mother, who is a player, and is upset that the game is not working. This video was uploaded in May 2010. I can’t imagine how upset this person must be now.
Still, one of the points she raises has been echoed many times since the announcement. “As much money and time as people spend on hereā¦”
Be warned that there is some strong language.
And here is the reaction when Super Poke Pets was finally loaded:
It wouldn’t be fair to say that this video is representative of all Super Poke Pets players, as we’ve seen various reactions to the news, but you can imagine how upset some are with Google’s decision.