At the Consumer Electronics Show in January Microsoft launched their “Smoked by Windows Phone” challenge. Microsoft challenged conference-goers to pit their phones against phones running the Windows Phone operating system. Those whose phones won received $100, while those whose phones weren’t up to the challenge got upgraded on the spot to HTC phones running Windows Phone.
Response to the contest at CES was widely positive, and it looks like fans of Windows Phone have been clamoring to see a Smoked By Windows Phone ad campaign. Today Microsoft has announced that those fans will be getting their wish. The company announced that 15 and 30 second ads would be going live today on a variety of websites including CNET, Forbes, and more. Viewers who click through at the end of the ads are taken to the Windows Phone Facebook page, where they can watch more videos.
Microsoft included a sample of one of the ads in the campaign in their announcement. Check it out below.
The original video from CES 2012 is available too. Check it out below.
What do you think? Does the speed of Windows Phone make you consider switching from Android or iOS? Let us know in the comments.