People on the internet are a**holes. And since Twitter is on outlet for people on the internet, people on Twitter can also be a**holes. Public figures, celebrities, and well known brands have to deal with the most a**holery, simply due to their visibility.
So it’s no surprise to see a Twitter user crap on a company like Smart, makers of the Smart car.
But what is surprising is their unbelievably awesome response. Dear social media managers; this is how you do it.
Earlier this week, this guy attempted a joke using a Smart car’s structural integrity as the punch line:
Saw a bird had crapped on a Smart Car. Totaled it.
A few days later, Smart responded in the best possible way:
Couldn’t have been one bird, @adtothebone. Sounds more like 4.5 million. (Seriously, we did the math.)
It’s awesome that Smart took the time to estimate the weight of various types of bird crap and compare it to the weight limit of their tridion safety cell. What’s more impressive it that our joker didn’t even @ tag Smart’s Twitter account in his original tweet. That means someone on Smart’s social media team there was tracking mentions of Smart out in the Twitterverse. Nice job, guys.
For his part, young Clayton was a good sport about it:
Outsmarted by Smart Car Best. Social media response. Ever.
Trolls beware, a savvy social media team can put you to shame. Just think twice before you diss.