Frederick Humphries said from the beginning that the so-called “shirtless photo” he sent to Florida socialite Jill Kelley was meant to be a joke, sent around to several colleagues and friends at the same time in 2010; however, because he was the person who touched off the David Petraeus investigation, it had to be thoroughly checked out.
Petraeus, who was head of the CIA until he stepped down last week, is accused of having an affair with his assistant and biographer, Paula Broadwell. The main concern, the government says, is finding out whether he shared classified information with her during their tryst. The entire ordeal came to light after Broadwell allegedly sent Jill Kelley–an honorary consul for South Korea who has no official title with our government agency–a “threatening” email, supposedly warning her off of her love interest. Kelley took the email to Humphries, a close friend, out of concern for her well-being, and Humphries in turn took it to his superiors.
After the scandal blew wide open, thousands of pages of emails and other communications between Petraues and Broadwell were discovered, and during the investigation, the “shirtless” email came to light, which lent some concern as to Kelley’s credibility. The photo has now been made public, however, and it’s clear that it was meant to be a joke and wasn’t sent to Kelley in a sexual context.
The image depicts Humphries standing between two target dummies and was captioned, “Which one is Fred?”
CIA officials say Humphries won’t be disciplined and that his name has been cleared as of now.