Google has been pretty clear from the get go that its plan for Google+ was to integrate it into the company’s various products, adding a “social layer” to them. This was made clearer than ever with the introduction of “Search Plus Your World” into search results, and the forthcoming consolidation of privacy policies.
The latest integration comes to Google Earth, as with the latest version (6.2), users can easily share screenshots to Google+ circles. When the user is logged in and clicks “share,” they can send snapshots of 3D views to Google+.
“We’ve already seen fantastic Google Earth land and cityscapes shared on Google+, not to mention solar systems, ocean topography, Street View scenes, weather forecasts, gigapixel photography and more,” says community manager Mark Harrision. “If you can find it in Google Earth, you can share it on Google+.”
“And if you’re looking to engage with like-minded cartographers, add the new Google Earth +Page to your Google+ circles and share your own Google Earth snapshots with us,” he adds. “Use the hashtag #GoogleEarthSnapshot in your image description and we could include your photo in a community album on Google+!”
The Google Earth Page already has quite a few cool images in its posts.