Did Samsung just use a 3-year-old screenshot from Google maps on iOS on a promotional page for its new Galaxy Player Android-powered media device?
Daring Fireball got a tip from a reader last night that the official page for the Galaxy Player 5.0 contained a screenshot from iOS, only slightly modified in order to appear to be running on the Samsung device. “Modified” means that it looks like they simply replaced the distinctive Apple status bar with their own status bar (as you can see in the comparison above).
It turns out, the image that used to appear on the Samsung site is the exact same image from a user named Laura Scott’s Flickr account. The photo in question was taken on December 14th, 2008.
Here’s a screenshot of how the promo page appeared. This display is no longer there – if you go to the Galaxy Player 5.0 page you are redirected to a page where you can choose your home country.
Of course, this is all especially funny because of the lengthy battle that Samsung and Apple still find themselves tangled in. The two have hit out at each other, claiming that the other stole their designs and infringed upon their patents.
Samsung is in the process of seeking injunctions to stop the sale of iPhones and iPads in almost a dozen different countries. Apple successful stopped the sale of Samsung’s Galaxy Tablet in Australia last week.
Just yesterday, industry rumors said that despite these legal battles, Apple would still use Samsung to make their processors for their devices – most notably the A6 processor that might come inside the next iPhone.
When everyone is talking about who stole what from whom, it’s amazing to see a possible theft at a level like this.