A few months ago Samsung released a 30-second ad for the Galaxy S III called “Work Trip,” which promoted the NFC-beaming of information from phone-to-phone with a little joke about a NSFW tape made by a wife for her traveling husband.
“I also made you a video,” says the wife before bumping phones with her departing husband. “But you probably shouldn’t watch it on the plane.”
Ow ow, right? Here’s that ad, for reference.
But now, Samsung has taken it too far with a Christmas-themed version of that ad that involves another, more famous couple. In the following ad, dubbed “Santa’s Work Trip,” Mrs. Claus informs Santa that she also made him a video that calls for discretion. Ah come on, Samsung.
Never has the phrase “coming down your chimney” sounded so wrong. And to sell a phone. For shame.