Salma Hayek gave an impassioned speech at the recent Power Of Women luncheon, which was hosted by Vanity Fair and honored the actress for her work with the women’s rights organization Chime For Change. In it, she spoke about the ways we are sending the young girls in our country the absolute wrong message about themselves, and said that women still need to work to find their voices.
“The most important thing to say to the girls is to not try to be like the other girls. Not to try to fit in, but to try to really be profound thinkers that are excited about their differences and explore what they are and who they are and what can come out of the new,” Hayek said.
Hayek, who has portrayed her share of badass women in film, says it’s time women stand up and taken control of things that have long been dominated by men.
“I think the voice of women can change the world, but we don’t know our voice. We’ve never really investigated. We’ve been too busy for many, many decades and generations, trying to operate within systems that were designed by men. I don’t think we really have tapped into our potential or our own creativity.”
Hayek–along with many other women in the business–also spoke outside the event about the pay gap, calling it “criminal”. Recently, actresses like Emma Watson and Gwyneth Paltrow have spoken out about the problem Hollywood has with its leading ladies, noting that sexual harassment and a huge wage gap between genders is only the beginning.
“This is a problem that is in every single industry. If you have the same capacities and you are doing the same job, it is criminal not to pay the same salary,” Salma said.
Gwyneth Paltrow agrees with Salma Hayek, saying last week that knowing that men are being paid more for doing the exact same thing is an attack on one’s self-worth.
“Your salary is a way to quantify what you’re worth. If men are being paid a lot more for doing the same thing, it feels s**tty,” Paltrow said.