One redditor had a pretty interesting night over the weekend, as they awoke to their Samsung Galaxy S3 on fire – and they have the pictures to prove it. According to the account, the device was stock everything – battery, charger, etc.
Here’s the story, as recounted by redditor vizionx1208:
Last night at about 3:15am EST (about 1 hour after i plugged it in and went to sleep) I was awoken by a loud noise and a weird squeaking sound. (I charge my phone while I’m sleeping on my bed right next to me)
So, I woke up, and saw a ton of smoke coming out of my phone — it also smelled REALLY bad. Half asleep, I jumped out of bed and turned the light on, only to see that my phone was just beginning to go on fire. I dumped a glass of water I had in the room on it to stop it from burning…then woke up my brother to come help. The smoke smelled so bad and wafted through the entire second floor of my house. I had a foam mattress pillow top that had a hole burned through it too–which we later threw out because it was still burning throughout. Also, some of the plastic on my phone was melting and kind of shooting out of it, and some landed on my pinky finger and burned some skin off (very small burn though).
From the rest of their comments on the post, it appears that the redditor has tried to contact Samsung and is at least debating the idea of legal action.
Here are some more images:
The battery:
Of course, Samsung phones aren’t the only ones that may have a history fo spontaneous explosions. We’ve seen plenty of iPhones catch fire in the past few years.