Steve Jobs has been hailed as the greatest businessman/creative minds of our time, the man who brought us our beloved Apple products (and “Toy Story”, let’s never forget “Toy Story”). He was influential in making our technological world what is is today, and the man behind the genius has always fascinated us.
Yet he wasn’t an overly easy man to get to know, and that’s why, when these rare candid shots of him from 1984 popped up on Retronaut, people took notice.
“The well-known shot of Steve sitting in lotus position with the Mac on his lap was a totally spontaneous experience. By the time the session was over, he was sitting on the floor with his shoes off and he showed me how he could put his leg over his head – a truly yogic display of flexibility. Later on I captured a shot of him wiggling his toes with an impish look on his face in the background – informal images which are in such contrast to the stature of what he was to become in his not too distant future,” photographer Norman Seeff said.
Tip of the hat to Buzzfeed.