Norman Chan’s Massive Comic-Con Cosplay Gallery Is Something To Behold

In case you aren’t aware, Norman Chad is a consumer electronic reporter for, the site created by Mythbusters hosts, Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage. Needless to say, Comic-Con 2013 was ...
Norman Chan’s Massive Comic-Con Cosplay Gallery Is Something To Behold
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In case you aren’t aware, Norman Chad is a consumer electronic reporter for, the site created by Mythbusters hosts, Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage. Needless to say, Comic-Con 2013 was something the Tested crew was not going to miss, and to help celebrate their stay, Chad decided he would take pictures of the various cosplay characters who appear at these conventions. This, of course, is standard behavior for geek conventions, but Chad’s accumulation of images continued to grow, leading us to perhaps one of the largest cosplay galleries ever assembled.

Needless to say, such a collection is getting good traction around the web. So much so, in fact, Chad wrote a post discussing the work behind the gallery, including some detail about the actual photography:

After shooting photos during all preview night last wednesday, I decided that I actually preferred to shoot with the 35mm lens over the 50mm. The 50mm is wonderful for close-up portraits–you can see it how I made use of it in the WonderCon gallery. That focal length is really perfect for capturing a person’s face and upper torso, which is ideal for showing off the expressiveness of cosplayers and their awesome make-up jobs…

As for the cosplay gallery itself, the page indicates it has over 850 images. Over at Boing Boing, they say it’s over 1000. This means if you like a particular character from the genres celebrated by Comic-Con, there’s a good chance it’s in Chan’s gallery.

Aside from the lead image, however, if you want to see the rest, you’ll have to visit the page in question. There’s a grid view for those who don’t feel like clicking the “next” arrow a thousand-plus times. It should be noted that Chad didn’t stop with just posting the cosplay pics. He’s also asking for help identifying the people in his images. Naturally, the porn star cosplayers stood out:

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