Back in April, 2K Games announced The Bureau: XCOM Declassified using a strange live-action trailer titled “The Burn Room.” The trailer showed clips of an alien invasion in a 60s-era American suburb, and the process by which XCOM agents could cover up the invasion.
This week, 2K is revealing more of the alien invasion teased in that announcement. A new trailer titled “Agent Ennis Cole: The Choice” has been released. It stars Dominic Monaghan, (Merry in the Lord of the Rings movies and the guy from Drive Shaft in Lost) as Cole, an XCOM agent typing up a report on the “Pima Incident,” the events of which are teased throughout the video.
In a fun twist to the video game trailer script, the trailer is left unfinished, with Cole vacillating between picking up a strong drink or a gun. Viewers will get to decide the ending by tweeting one of two hashtags: #GrabTheGun or #GrabTheBottle. The finale for the trailer, complete with the winning vote, will be shown on Wednesday, July 24.