Netflix just announced another new show for 2014. This one is an animated comedy called BoJack Horseman, and stars Will Arnett (of Arrested Development) and Aaron Paul (of Breaking Bad).
Here’s the premise:
Legendary star of the 1990s family favorite sitcom “Horsin’ Around,” BoJack (Will Arnett) has been trying to find his way through a muddle of self-loathing, whisky and failed relationships. Now, in the presence of his human sidekick Todd (Aaron Paul) and his feline agent and ex-paramour Princess Caroline (Amy Sedaris), BoJack is primed for his comeback and the over 40 million global members of Netflix will be able to chart his progress in excruciatingly real time when all twelve episodes of season one hit the service in mid 2014.
The show was created by Raphael Bob-Waksberg, and will be executive produced by him along with Steven A. Cohen and Noel Bright, as well as Arnett and Paul. It’s being produced by produced by Michael Eisner’s Tornante Company.
BoJack himself (pictured) was designed by graphic artist Lisa Hanawalt and will be animated by LA-based ShadowMachine.
“Even though he’s been out to pasture, I’ve always admired BoJack for his inimitable style and can-do attitude,” said Netflix Chief Content Officer Ted Sarandos. “I couldn’t be more thrilled that he’s getting off his legendary haunches to join the Internet TV revolution here on Netflix.”
“As a studio executive involved in successful sitcoms like Happy Days, Barney Miller and Cheers, I always regretted BoJack wasn’t on my team,” Michael Eisner added. “But now, with Tornante in the saddle, BoJack is exactly where he belongs, in full creative control, and on Netflix.”
This ought to be a fun one.
Image: Netflix (PRNewsWire)