Neil Young says he’s pulling his music from streaming services.
No, Young’s issue isn’t money, like Taylor Swift or Prince – Young’s problem is with sound quality, which he calls the worst “in the history of broadcasting or any other form of distribution.”
streaming ends for me today…
— Neil Young (@Neilyoung) July 15, 2015
Here’s what Young had to say on Facebook:
Streaming has ended for me. I hope this is ok for my fans.
It’s not because of the money, although my share (like all the other artists) was dramatically reduced by bad deals made without my consent.
It’s about sound quality. I don’t need my music to be devalued by the worst quality in the history of broadcasting or any other form of distribution. I don’t feel right allowing this to be sold to my fans. It’s bad for my music.
For me, It’s about making and distributing music people can really hear and feel. I stand for that.
When the quality is back, I’ll give it another look. Never say never.
You may recall that Neil Young is the guy behind Pono – the supposedly higher quality music player and service that launched back in January after a successful Kickstarter campaign. It’s been called a “tall refreshing drink of snake oil” and the general consensus is that it’s something that only a very select group of audiophiles can appreciate. Kind of like TIDAL.