Three high school girls in Maine are in trouble this week after an anonymous letter was sent to school administrators detailing their anti-semitic tweets. The letter included a photo of the girls giving a Nazi salute while in their basketball uniforms.
It’s been reported that the girls often refer to one in the group as “Hitler”; the tweets included posts like, “So Jewish to have prac on Christmas Eve day” and “If —- picked me up, she would’ve made me do sprints, then put me in a gas chamber”. The school’s principal, Dan McKeone, said the girls have already been disciplined but declined to give details.
“These were kids that made a mistake, and they learned from it, and they’re moving forward,” McKeone said.
The incident has shocked the community and has drawn criticism from a local Jewish rights group.
“When situations like this come up when students are using prejudiced and intolerant speech and actions, it shows that the school really needs to seriously institute anti-bias, anti-bullying education and curriculum,” said Emily Chaleff, executive director of the Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine.