According to a report from Business Insider, three of America’s tech giants are out-giving several major countries in the fight against Ebola.
We reported here about Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan pledging $25 million to fight Ebola on the front lines in Africa. Bill Gates has already pledged $50 million through the Gates Foundation. And recently Paul Allen pledged $100 million through his Allen Family Foundation toward stopping the epidemic.
Seeing billionaires give money to a good cause is nothing new. These three men have already been leaders in philanthropic circles, especially Gates and Allen, for a long time.
This year alone, the Gates Foundation has given many millions of dollars toward educational institutions, financial services for the poor, agricultural development, and children’s health causes.
Paul Allen’s foundation says it gives in three major focus areas:
“Our Pacific Northwest Program funds arts, and culture, libraries, education and financial empowerment projects in local communities; our Global Initiatives fuel exploration and innovation in the fields of science and technology; and our Signature Awards area recognizes and awards creative leaders and promising researchers.”
Their grantee list shows that they give to arts and culture concerns, science and technology endeavors, as well as asset building and education efforts.
Zuckerberg reportedly does not have a “foundation,” per se. Inside Philanthropy reports that he has a “donor-advised fund at the Silicon Valley Community Foundation and also created a supporting organization of SVCF called Startup:Education, which is the outfit through which Zuckerberg and Chan do their giving.”
Zuckerberg not only gives cash grants through his philanthropic arrangements, but millions of shares of Facebook stock.
The combined totals that these three men (and their wives) are giving to fight Ebola is $175 million dollars. This number starts to look quite impressive when stacked up against other totals. For example, here are the totals of a few other “donors”.
India $12 million
China $33 million
Japan $40 million
Canada $57 million
France $89 million
Germany $130 million
Int’l Monetary Fund $140 million
African Dev. Bank $150 million
Let’s pause there a moment. Three men in America are together giving more money toward fighting Ebola than several countries combined, and more than the IMF.
Only when we get to the top three “donors” do we see these Big Three Tech Philanthropists in comparable company.
United Kingdom $210 million
World Bank $400 million
United States $750 million