AOL’s MapQuest has introduced a new look and feel that goes beyond maps and driving directions and focuses more on local search.
Starting today users can opt in via a link to try out the new MapQuest. The new redesign will replace the old version of MapQuest in about a month.
New features include:
One-box search for finding directions, maps and businesses;
*Improved My Maps with a simplified login process using other services (AOL, OpenID, Yahoo, Google, Facebook and Twitter);
*The ability to save and customize information, including MyMaps trip itineraries, and share it with others via social networks, including Facebook and Twitter;
*Ways to plan and personalize travel with notes, landmarks and short cuts; and
*Integration of Patch’s local directory information into MapQuest’s search results
MapQuest has also introduced a new logo. The company says the goal of the new logo is to make it "simple, clean and modern while remaining vibrant and fun."
"We are committed to providing accurate maps and directions to millions of people every day," said Christian Dwyer, Senior Vice President and General Manager,MapQuest.
"And under the new leadership at AOL, we have invested in creating a new user experience that helps users discover what is there, nearby and along the way, making it more than how to get from Point A to Point B. The MapQuest evolution is underway and aims to transcend how consumers engage with maps by adding seamless context and sharing capabilities."
MapQuest is the second most popular mapping service behind Google Maps with 49.1 million users in May, according to comScore.