There was a lot of speculation regarding Madonna’s Super Bowl performance on whether it was going to be good, bad or just okay. She proved to everybody that she still has it.
Madonna’s Super Bowl performance was the best in years according to some people. Your humble reporter here was hugely impressed as well to find that Madonna still has it. The message of World Peace at the end was kind of cheesy, but it worked well within her show.
All the speculation of guests and songs were mostly spot on. The appearance from LMFAO was especially enjoyable.
Twitter, like always, has something to say. Let’s look at what people have to say about #MadonnaSuperBowl.
#MADONNASuperBowl that’s it, the one and ONLY, the Queen, the DIVA. MAD you are just perfect!!!
#SuperBowl halftime show in a lonnng time. Madonna is indeed one of the greatest entertainers living. #MADONNASUPERBOWL