NBC’s The Voice is the network’s answer to Fox’s ultra-popular network TV karaoke competition American Idol. Just like American Idol, fans of the show get some input on the outcome, voting on who they want to stay or go in any given week. This can be frustrating for judges on The Voice, who also serve as a coach for a team of contestants.
This week, judge and Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine got frustrated with fans’ choices, and was caught saying, “I hate this country” live on TV. The comment came just after Levine realized that either Judith Hill or Sarah Simmons (or both) would be eliminated from the competition. The comment can be heard at around the 1:14 mark in the video below:
As it turns out, both Hill and Simmons – early favorites – were eliminated. Levine had been coaching both of the contestants for weeks. Only one contestant that Levine coached, Amber Carrington, moved on to the top 6.
Levine, through his Twitter account, has indicated that he was merely joking about hating his home country. He posted definitions for the words joke, humorless, lighthearted, and misunderstand:
joke- noun 1. something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or prankish act
hu·mor·less (hymr-ls) adj. 1. Lacking a sense of humor. 2. Said or done without humor
light·heart·ed Function: adjective 1 : free from care, anxiety, or seriousness : happy-go-lucky 2 : cheerfully optimistic
mis·un·der·stand Pronunciation: \(?)mi-?s?n-d?r-?stand\ Date: 13th century 1 : to fail to understand 2 : to interpret incorrectly
(Image courtesy gashleygoh/Wikimedia Commons)