As you may have heard, Google had something of a blunder on Thursday, when its earnings report was released several hours early while the market was very open. The big problem was that Google missed estimates, and shares immediately began to sink.
The release had been posted to the SEC site, “pending” a quote by CEO Larry Page.
The company eventually released a statement, saying, “Earlier this morning RR Donnelley, the financial printer, informed us that they had filed our draft 8K earnings statement without authorization. We have ceased trading on NASDAQ while we work to finalize the document. Once it’s finalized we will release our earnings, resume trading on NASDAQ and hold our earnings call as normal at 1:30 PM PT.”
Then, ahead fo the earnings call, which was provided in a webcast on YouTube, YouTube went down for a brief time, though Google was able to get it back up and running.
Anyway, while all of this was going on, someone set up a parody account for Larry Page, under the handle @PendingLarry. Nerdy hilarity then ensued:
This is what happens when you submit your report to the SEC via Android.
To be fair, we released our earnings yesterday afternoon on Google Plus.
Somehow, I’ll find a way to blame today’s early release on Apple Maps.
I mean…it’s 4:30pm somewhere in the world, right?
First thing I said after SEC filing went out: “Oh, Schmidt!”
Wanted to get it out there before Kara Swisher “scooped” us. How’s it feel now, Kara?!
Our Google Doodle on today’s event is pending.
More like R.R. DONE-lley, amirite? $RRD
Man, our privacy was WAY violated today.
Thought that Groupon deal for SEC document filing was too good to be true. You really do get what you pay for.
An early release…I…I swear that’s never happened before.
We were trying to figure out how to get cheap air time on CNBC. Guess it worked.
Ha…ha…I see what you did there CNBC…
You guys, that SEC filing was a beta release.
@mcatwellons@EliFromBrooklyn You guys could do better. Try incorporating the fail whale.
@shaambalaji Need to speak with my doctor about this.
@karaswisher Protip: She already had her kid.
My pending quote: Google News is dropping its digital format, will go all-print.
Well, that was fun.
We had a strong quarter. Our quarter was made out of Gorilla Glass.
Appreciate that CNBC will take a break from Googleocalypse to interview Donald Trump at 4pm. Rough day for some CNBC producer today.
Taking YouTube offline for a bit, our way of ensuring our earnings call doesn’t accidentally leak.
After today, I’m going to make “Undo Send” in Google Labs a priority.
Today was interesting. Thanks for the giggles. I’m out guys.
Despite the company’s disappointing earnings release, the real Page maintained that he is “delighted” and “excited” about all of Google’s opportunities.