Imagine you’re browsing through Goodwill, looking for some deals, then dropping $4.99 on a movie poster. Then discovering that your purchase is worth $53,900 in mint condition. For Tom Glenn, of Forest Lake, Minnesota, this story was an actual reality. He was browsing through his local Goodwill when he noticed an old-school styled Lady & The Tramp movie poster. At the time, Glenn didn’t know he was in the possession of an original copy.
Which he would later discover has the potential to be worth $53,900.
Glenn frequents his local Goodwill regularly, but even he couldn’t have anticipated this sort of payday. He even admits that he didn’t think it was an original when he dropped five dollars on it, “This wasn’t looked at as a true investment. It was, ‘Hey! It’s there. I’ll grab it; see what happens”
He took the poster to an antique store in Chicago, where he discovered that his poster was genuine original. The poster had some wear and tear, not in mint condition, so he was told that he could sell it for anywhere between $20,000 – $40,000. Something tells me Mr. Glenn will be perfectly fine with that haul.
[H/T: MyFoxTwinCities]