Lady Gaga – Mother Monster, Twitter commander, has made good on her word and announced the YouTube debut of her latest video via Twitter.
Last week, we explored the viral takeoff of her stripped-down “Edge of Glory” performance on the Howard Stern show. We talked about Gaga’s enormous internet presence and how she is able boost her popularity through smart, strategic use of social media.
This latest release is another example of that.
Gaga has been promoting the release of the Yoü and I (yes, strange umlaut and all) on Twitter for over a week. On August 2nd, she announced that the video link would be her 1000th tweet –
The Music Video for “Yoü and I” will be my 1000th Tweet
She continued to discuss the new single, revealing the cover a couple of days later – – You will never find what you are looking for in love, if you don’t love yourself. #You&ISingleCover.
And an hour ago she unveiled the new video, as promised, via Twitter – You must love all + every part of me, as must I, for this complex + incomprehensible force to be true.
YouAndIVideo:In the video, Gaga presents her male alter ego (Father Monster?). It’s a little NSFW due to sexual content (involving a mermaid Gaga). Check it out below –
The video already has 13,000 likes at the writing of this article.
In actuality, the video hit the internet a little before Gaga’s 1000th tweet, as it appeared on Perez Hilton earlier today.
What do you think about the new video? Is Gaga the undisputed Queen of the Internet? Let us know in the comments.