We’re halfway through November, and it’s only going to get colder from here on out. It’s time to bust out the itchy sweaters from holiday seasons past. This year, with the help of 3D printers, you can make your iPhone its very own itchy sweater out of plastic.
Shapeways, makers of fine 3D printed products, recently held a contest that asked designers to create a unique design for an iPhone 5 case via 3D printing. The winner, ArtizanWork, created a “sweater” case for the iPhone 5 that really does look like a sweater. It’s even emulates the flexible stitching that handmade sweaters sport.
For their efforts, the designers at ArtizanWork received a $500 prize. The prize may be nice, but the real reward lies in increased visibility. ArtizanWork sells these sweater cases at $75 a piece. They’ll easily make more than $500 this holiday season as more people are made aware of their really unique designs.
You can pick up your own iPhone 5 knitted sweater case today. The design hasn’t been made publicly available for obvious reasons, but I’m sure 3D printer enthusiasts will knock out something similar very shortly that others can make themselves.
[h/t: Make]