Katherine Jenkins, a well-known classical opera singer from Wales, experienced a minor back spasm during the last few seconds of her dance performance on Monday night. During the dance, which was phenomenal, it was unclear what happened during the final section, but was clear was something went horribly wrong. After the dance had ended, Jenkins burst into tears, knowing the slip up at the end would affect her overall score from the judges panel.
After the performance show on Monday night, Jenkins was checked out by a medic, and concluded that Jenkins had experienced a back spasm from the way her body was figured during that section of the dance. With Jenkins receiving this news, she started to emotionally prepare herself for being eliminated the next day, because she did receive the lowest combined score of the night.
During this past Tuesday’s results show, Katherine (and her pro-dancer Mark Ballas) received the news early on into the show that she was safe and that she had secured a spot in next week’s finale. With this news, Jenkins tweeted an announcement today to her fans (provided below) to not get carried away with what happened on Monday and to focus on the upcoming finale.
To see Katherine and Mark’s amazing Salsa routine from Monday night (even though she did encounter her back spasm at the end), please view the YouTube video provided below:
The Twitter community has been active in supporting Katherine for next week’s finale, and I have provided some of these tweets below.
#DWTS. She seems to be the epitome of the total woman. Sweet, humble, talented, poised & determined!