Jonah Hill, the actor best known for inhabiting funnyman roles in “Superbad” and “21 Jumpstreet”, is now attached to the upcoming Quentin Tarantino spaghetti-western “Django Unchained”…again.
News of a rotating cast has been circulating around the interwebs practically since the movie started filming; Sasha Baron Cohen and Kurt Russell both dropped out, saying they had prior commitments that required their attention.
Hill also had to decline a role in the film early on, saying he wants to take more serious parts and was disappointed that a scheduling conflict meant he would have to pass.
“I was thrilled that [Tarantino] wanted me to be in it, and I’ve been offered a lot of dramas since,” he said. “As I mature, my sensibilities have changed. I think once you get to a certain place, your career is all about delegating time and what you want to spend your time doing. I’ve made a lot of comedies in a really short amount of time, and they’ve been ripped off every which way to Sunday. So it’s not as exciting to do those anymore.”
But it looks like he’s rearranged some things to squeeze in “Django”, as it was reported today that he has accepted an as-yet undisclosed role. The news was given some credibility by the fact that Hill himself tweeted a link to the article, breaking the news to his fans in a quiet way.
Jonah Hill Joins Quentin Tarantino’s ‘Django Unchained’
The film, which also stars Jamie Foxx and Leonardo DiCaprio, opens this Christmas.