Vice President Joe Biden will be stopping by Google+ to participate in a hangout, and discuss gun violence on Thursday at 1:45 PM Eastern.
According to Google, Biden will hangout for 30 minutes, and discuss the White House policy recommendations on reducing gun violence with Guy Kawasaki (author of Google+ book What The Plus), Phil DeFranco and Hari Sreenivasan from PBS Newshour.
“As President Obama and his cabinet begin their second term in the White House, they’re renewing a series of conversations on Google+ with top administration officials,” explains Ramya Raghavan from Google+ Politics. “These ‘Fireside Hangouts,’ a 21st-century spin on FDR’s famous radio addresses, bring top Administration officials to Google+ to discuss the most important issues in the country, face-to-face-to-face with fellow citizens in a hangout.”
Users can suggest questions by following the participants of the hangout. The broadcast will be viewable at the White House’s Google+ page and its YouTube channel.
More White House-hosted hangouts with members of the Obama administration will take place as the President’s second term continues.