Jane Fonda has been selected to play the role of Nancy Reagan in the upcoming film “The Butler.” The movie is a biopic of Eugene Allen, who began working as a White House butler during the Truman administration and retired while Reagan was in office.
The actress has many notches on her belt and has lived a crazy lifestyle. At the age of 73 she is still putting out aerobics videos that sell millions of copies and she looks phenomenal!
Some people commented on Twitter that they are not happy that Fonda will portray Nancy:
The FBI may want to investigate my inbox today, which is full of crazy Vietnam vets threatening Jane Fonda & The Butler director Lee Daniels
@Snarky_Basterd Outrage Growing Over “Hanoi Jane” Fonda Being Cast as Nancy Reagan in New Film http://t.co/p8Czfxyl #twisters #tcot
RTJane Fonda is like a pesky gnat. Just won’t go away!
Apparently a lot of the controversy is stemming from the fact that Fonda has history of anti-war activism and a former marriage to a Democratic politician. Does this mean that she shouldn’t be allowed to play the role of a Republican?
Fonda has openly admitted that she “suffered from bulimia from age 13 to age 37. While modeling, she said she lived on cigarettes, coffee, speed, and strawberry yogurt.”
Here are some other interesting facts about the actress:
She is double-jointed and was a ballet dancer until the age of 41 when she broke her foot.
She was arrested for possessing a large quantity of pills but the charges were dropped after it was discovered that they were vitamins.
She ranked #51 on Entertainment Weekly’s “Greatest Movie Stars of All Time” list.
And she was referenced in Sir Mix a Lot’s, “Baby Got Back.”
Fonda launched the PRIME TIME brand of Aerobics videos in 2010 that is geared for boomers and seniors. She is currently working on another video for the series.