Chances are, if you’re reading this article, you’re on the Internet. You’re probably going to spend a lot of time on the Internet in 2012. How much time? Let’s find out!
An infographic coming to us from the Slots of Vegas blog details their Internet usage predictions for 2012. Some of the predictions may surprise you and some may not.
The big attention grabbers are definitely the prediction of more than half of Internet users will suffer from “e-anxiety” from not being able to check Facebook or e-mail and that Internet users in the U.S. will expand to 239 million people, or 75.6 percent of the population.
It’s predicted that mobile Internet users will grow to 113.9 million with 106.7 million of them being on smartphones.
They predict that 143.4 million U.S. internet users will be on Facebook with two-thirds of all Internet users on a social networking site. Ninety percent of those two-thirds will choose Facebook as their primary social media site.
They also predict that tumblr will become the second most visited social media network.
It’s predicted that 169.3 million people will view videos online in 2012 with 51.2 million viewing videos on smartphones.
As far as online gaming goes, they predict that over 407 million hours will be put into online gaming in 2012.
Finally and suprisingly, books will be the number one selling item online making up 44 percent of all online sales.