Instagram, the $1 billion camera app, came to Android back in April of this year to much celebration. Well, the Android users were celebrating. iOS users were uninstalling the app since the Android plebeians were now sullying their once great (and exclusive) platform. Fast forward to today and you can see that moving to Android was the right move.
According to The Next Web, Instagram has been downloaded 50 million times on Google Play. That means the app was averaging about 250,000 downloads a day. That’s pretty impressive for an app that’s by and large only used to take pictures of food.
What about those iOS users who were supposedly dropping the app? It’s still doing amazingly well with over 80 million users. It’s important to note that Instagram has been on iOS since 2011 and only has a little over 30 million users more than its Android counterpart. It won’t be long until Android users eclipse the iOS users that once put them down.
In a way, it’s actually kind of like a class war. The iOS users may be the majority for now, but that may not be the case for much longer. The Android users will rise up and add pictures of sepia-filtered food with their less than pristine cameras. iOS users will complain about Android users’ lack of artistic vision.
None of this, however, can prepare either side for when Instagram inevitably comes to Windows Phone. Both sides will join forces to repel the perceived threat of Windows Phone users taking pictures of food with a filter that’s just a little too much or they’re just not capturing the true artistry of a ham sandwich.
All of this is to say that Instagram is taking over the world. As smartphones continue to proliferate across the world at an alarming rate, more and more people use built-in cameras to pretend they’re a world-class photographer. If it continues in this direction, Facebook will definitely get their money’s worth out of the service.