If one has been on the internet for any amount of time, particularly in such fandom-dominated spaces as Tumblr, one has certainly encountered the wide-spread fascination with much of the British Broadcasting Corporation (or, as it is much more commonly and affectionately referred to, the BBC) and its content. Fans of such favorites as Sherlock, Doctor Who, and Torchwood will be gleeful to hear that they will now be able to get their fix of delightful British television from yet another source– Hulu.
The video-streaming website, which offers the option of paying per-month for ad-free content or limited streaming for free with advertisements, is stepping up its game after striking a deal with BBC that will allow it to add about 144 titles (which translates into about 2000 episodes of content) to its library selection. The deal includes such fan-favorites as Torchwood, Merlin, Downton Abbey, Misfits, Sherlock, and, of course, the revived cult classic that is Doctor Who, as seen in Hulu’s announcement of their new goods, displayed above.
The BBC is not exclusively making deals with Hulu, however. The station has made deals and plans with both Amazon and Netflix, not at all shy about throwing its weight and potential around. Hulu, however, does not seem displeased with these circumstances. After months of stagnation and “limbo on the auction block,” Hulu’s chief executive Andy Forssell has said that Hulu is ready to “…kick back into action! …This is us doing a bunch of stuff that we’ve really wanted to do and had been put on hold for a while.”
Just as Hulu isn’t complaining about BBC’s lack of commitment, so to are BBC fanatics not complaining about yet another source for their British television tendencies. With yet more ways to gain access to their beloved telelvision shows, it will be interesting to see how Hulu’s stake in the BBC game will effect Amazon and Netflix as they vie for the attentions of the Doctor Who and Sherlock fandoms. Or, as it’s known in many circles, Tumblr.
Image courtesy of the official Hulu website.