After a few months without a major release, Sony is about to release inFamous: Second Son for PS4. Originally planned as a launch title, Second Son is the third game in the inFamous series and features a new protagonist in Delsin.
In a new eight minute gameplay trailer, we get to see unedited gameplay footage from one of the game’s early missions. In it, Delsin teams up with Fetch Walker to take out groups of anti-Conduit protestors. Throughout the footage, he uses powers similar to those used by Cole in the first two inFamous titles as well as some new abilities as well.
As for the visuals, Second Son may be the prettiest PS4 title to be released thus far. The particle physics alone are some of the most impressive we’ve yet seen on any platform. This will be the game you show your friends to prove the PS4’s visual merits.
inFamous: Second Son will be out March 21 exclusively for PS4.
Image via PlayStation/YouTube