Thirty-five-year-old Christopher Chaney of Jacksonville, Florida plead guilty to charges that he hacked email accounts of celebrity actresses including Scarlett Johansson, Christina Aguilera and Mila Kunis.
After gaining access to personal and compromising photos of the celebrities he then sold them to various tabloid publications.
Chaney, who is currently jailed until sentencing on July 23rd, will be ordered to pay Scarlett Johansson around $66,000 in restitution for leaking her nude photos, and spend up to five years in jail.
TMZ published what the U.S. District Court System recommends for damages paid to the victims:
* $7,500 to Christina Aguilera
* $66,179.46 to Scarlett Johansson
* $76,767.35 to actress Renee Olstead
* $10,000 to the AFTRA Health Fund
We wont know what Chaney’s actual punishments or fines will be until after sentencing on the the 23rd of July. Often the sentence handed down is nowhere near as harsh as what the justice system recommends. We’ll keep you up to date as new information on the case becomes available.
(Scarlett’s photo courtesy of
(Christopher Chaney photo courtesy of