Griffin Perry, son of GOP Presidential hopeful Rick Perry, has been a busy guy on Twitter. He posts during debates. He slams Dad’s opponents. He slips in backhanded compliments.
Perry himself (or his campaign staffer assigned to tweet for him) is usually pretty tame:
@GovernorPerry will secure the border within one year of taking his hand off the Bible being sworn in #scdebate
.His campaign also has an account called the Perry Truth Team, which mixes things up a bit more:
Griffin’s own tweets are free to get more personal.:
Romney flip flopped on what he flip flops on. His answer last night in no way satisfied voters he will stick to his guns if elected.
@Jon2012girls good luck to y’all and the whole family on future endeavors. The campaign will miss the entertainment.
Some analysis of Ron Paul Ideas: Per 10: 2 are good, 6 are crazy and 2 will get us all killed. Not a good average.
Math: Texas has 25MM people & created 1MM jobs, US 300MM. If Perry had been Pres the last 3 years US would have created 12MM jobs.
Questioning Romneys record at Bain is not attacking capitalism.It is questioning his credentials as a job creator, record as gov was subpar.
Twitter goes to show bias towards neg media in our world. Every time I say something positive few retweets – Negative many retweets
@mittromney has spent more time running for office than actually being elected, and while he was elected he was a bottom tier job creator.