This couldn’t have come at a better time, as I’ve been getting spammed with Google+ notifications from people I haven’t added to any Cirlces (and I know I’m not alone).
Google has made an update to Google+ that allows users to control who can notify them on the social network. Google’s Kathleen Ko announced via Google+:
Circles give you control over who you share with on Google+ and who you see content from. Many of you have asked for similar controls over who can send you notifications, so today we’re rolling out a new option in Google+ settings: “Who can notify you.” You can update your settings at
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It controls who you get notifications from if they share with you individually, elect “notify about this Post” when sharing to a circle you’re in, +mention your name, invite you to a hangout, or invite you to play or send you messages from a game. You will still get notifications for when comments are made on your posts or if you get added to a circle.
The setting is set for Extended circles by default, but it can be changed to Your circles, Anyone, or a custom selection of specific circles and people.
Google is rolling out this functionality slowly, according to Ko, so you might have to wait a little while before you can take advantage of it. So, you might have to put up with a little bit more spam for the time being.