As noted in an earlier article, Google Instant may log SERPs for unfinished queries in your browser’s history, if you pause for long enough, before completing your query. WebProNews asked Google about this.
"For signed-in users with Web History enabled searching on the homepage or results page, we continue to show all the searches they perform," Google’s Jake Hubert tells us. "With Google Instant, this includes searches when the user pauses for three or more seconds and/or clicks on a search result. These queries are explicitly marked to indicate results were shown for three seconds but had no click."
Maureen O’Connor at Valleywag writes, "The new Google Instant guesses what you’re searching for while you’re typing, and retrieves results before you finish. It’s the T-9 of search engines. And it means buying an "erector set" will make everyone think you have ‘erectile dysfunction.’" If everyone means anybody looking at your web history, she might be right.
Upon the announcement of Google Instant, the company said that they would be rolling out the feature to mobile and browsers (search boxes and Chrome address bar) in the next few months. I have been wondering exactly how this will work.
Will using this feature automatically take over a page the user is currently on with Google results? With the chrome address bar specifically, what if a user just wants to go to a site and not Google? Will they be presented with results before they even have a chance to complete the typing of a URL?
"It’s premature for us to get into details about future implementations," Hubert says.
That’s fair, but this will be an interesting element of Google Instant to keep an eye on. If it turns out to do that, some webmasters may take issue.