Google, now appearing to be more aware of the concept of licensing and patents, has just secured a copyright concerning wireless access auctions. The search giant was previous denied a similar bid in 2007, though tried again and succeeded, perhaps realizing the dire necessity of owning the rights to all of the tech it incorporates. Google is presently embroiled in a copyright infringement case against Oracle over its excessive manipulation of Java APIs while developing the Android OS – the verdict of the first phase of the trial is expected very soon.
The United States Patent and Trademark Office has just awarded Google a patent applied to real-time auctions surrounding wireless networks. Basically, higher bandwidth users on a network would bid for access on the fly, and be forced to pay more for services. Google itself, or however the company plans to allocate the rights, would run the auctions to determine how to divy up bandwidth bids. Low traffic on a network would denote low rates, and high traffic instances would foster bids for rank in access and transmission rights, meaning, users could pay for prime time, or wait for cheaper phases of access to bandwidth.
It can be assumed the new patent might have something to do with Android, which has been gaining traction, now making up roughly half of the mobile market worldwide. Perhaps Google is looking for ways to undercut Apple even more with some sort of data plan workarounds, as the iPhone is losing a bit of steam in the world’s emerging markets.