I couldn’t help but notice that Google Reader has been acting very weird, but now I know it’s not just me, as numerous people have been complaining about it, and several publications are now reporting on the issue.
There’s a Google Group thread here, where people are complaining. It was started on Sunday, when user applmak wrote:
Reader is unable to display the canonical list of unread posts to me. When I load the page, I see:
– A shortened list of only a few unread posts (according to the total on the ‘All Items’ filter)
– A far greater number, but a truncated post list
– The same number, but filled with old posts
– The correct list of posts & count.
The biggest thing I’ve noticed has simply been read items appearing as unread.
Google’s Matti Nescio chimed in in the thread to say that the Google Reader team has been notified of the issue, and that “someone will be looking into this.”
It appears that some have been experiencing issues for even longer (as in earlier last week). I used it quite a bit over the weekend, and didn’t notice any issues until this morning.
TechCrunch is saying, “The GoogleReaderpocalypse is upon us.” I’m not sure it’s as dramatic as that (at least I hope not). The piece suggests that Google doesn’t care much about this product anymore, as it has turned its focus to other things like Google+, despite a continued, solid user base (whose real size can only be speculated upon).
It is true that Google has done little with Google Reader in recent memory, though I’d say it doesn’t really need much in the way of changes. Hopefully (and I’m sure many would agree) Google isn’t planning on shutting he service down in its next “spring cleaning” announcement.
Google did add Google Reader to the Google Takeout menu a few months ago. I hope that’s not a sign.