iOS users should expect Google Play Music All Access to arrive on their platform in the next couple of weeks.
The news comes from Sundar Pichai, SVP Android, Chrome, and Apps at Google, who was speaking at the All Things D D11 conference Thursday afternoon.
“In Google’s DNA, we wanted to be universally accessible. The goal with search was to make it work for everyone in the world, and I think that philosophy extends today. We brought Google Now to iOS. A couple weeks from now we will launch Google Play Music All Access for iOS, the teams are working like crazy to do it,” he said.
TechCrunch notes that Pichai made a point to say that Google wants its services on as many devices as possible, and that mean that iOS users can then become Google users.
“In Google’s fundamental DNA, we want [our services] to be universally accessible…for us, users on iOS who want to use Google services, we want them to be Google users.”
On the flip side, speaking at the same conference earlier this week, Apple CEO Tim Cook suggested that Apple wasn’t against porting its own apps to Android – at least on a base level. It’s just that it doesn’t want to right now.
“Would Apple port an app from iOS to Android? We have no religious issue,” he said. “If we thought it made sense to do that, we would do that. You can take the same philosophy and apply it to iCloud. Would it make sense for iCloud? It doesn’t today.”
As you probably know, Google launched their new Spotify competitor Google Play Music All Access earlier this month. For $9.99 a month, you can have full streaming access to millions of songs, all of which play well with your existing Google Play music in order to deliver radio and recommendations. You can check out my full walkthrough of the service here.